Monday, February 19, 2007

Singaporeans should look up to FTs

It is high time Singaporeans looked up to foreigners and treated them with respect and courtesy.

Singapore owes its thriving economy to foreigners who bring a wealth of talent and expertise. Foreign talents take up jobs that Singaporeans are unwilling to perform, and contribute greatly to our economic progress. Without a constant influx of foreigners, Singapore would be unable to compete on the world stage and we would fall far behind.

It is high time all Singaporeans recognized the immense virtue of the PAP's Foreign Talent policy, and welcomed all foreigners with open arms. The PAP government (may the PAP progress!) has Singaporeans' best interest at heart and knows very well that only by opening our doors to foreigners will we be able to prosper and grow as a nation.

Majulah PAP! Majulah Singapura!

Goh Bock Seng

Friday, February 02, 2007

I'm so proud of the PAP

I am extremely proud that we have a strong and competent government like the PAP (may the PAP progress!) in charge. With the PAP at the helm, I always know Singapore is in safe hands and we will prosper over the long run.

The policy I am most proud of is the foreign talent policy. Recognizing the harsh realities of globalization and fully cognizant of the fact that left alone, our own national fertility rate is insufficient to sustain a healthy population size, the PAP government (wise and learned they are!) has opened up to foreigners in a grand way in the hopes they will find jobs here and eventually settle down. Foreigners bring a wealth of talent and open up new markets in Singapore, and make this a truly vibrant and endearing place to live, work and play!

Our competent and incorruptible PAP government (O Great Men & Women of Asia!) is never afraid to enact unpopular policies for the long term good and stability of Singapore, unlike the other so-called democratic governments who have fallen prey to welfarism and sacrifice the long-term good of the nation in favour of popular policies that bring benefits only in the short term. The reason why we are such a wealthy, prosperous and competitive nation is because the PAP (give praise and thanks to them!) always does what is right and good for Singapore, and never yields to its senseless and irrational critics.

I am proud to be Singaporean, and I am heartened that my sons will, like me, serve NS with pride and joy, with stout hearts full of purpose and courage. I have brought my children up to love our Great Motherland and revere our enlightened and uncorruptible leaders. They know where they belong, and would gladly lay down their lives for Singapore.

Majulah PAP! Majulah Singapura! Give praise and blessings to MM Lee, PM Lee, and the PAP government, and let us all rally together in the Great and Noble Cause of Nation Building!

I'm so Proud of National Service!

I am so proud to be a Singaporean, and I'm so proud of National Service!

Yesterday, my eldest son who is currently finishing his Full time National Service came to me and told me that his time serving our nation had been very well spent, and that he felt he had made a worthy contribution. That was one of my proudest moments as a father! To see my own son grow up and serve our Great Motherland with distinction, with a stout heart full of purpose and courage!

My youngest son will also be serving his full time National Service when he finishes his 'A' Levels. We are family of patriots. I know that each of us will gladly lay down our lives for our Great Motherland! Throughout these years I have been instilling in my young boys the noble cause of defending our country and the sacred duty of each and every Singaporean to be fiercely loyal to his nation.

I reminiscence about my own time in full time NS when I was a young lad, and I must say I have absolutely no regrets. I look at my own family whom I am protecting by taking up arms. I look at our nation's resources that I am protecting by serving wholeheartedly in the military. And I also look at all the foreigners who are able to enjoy life and take up jobs in our Great Motherland with peace of mind, because of Singaporeans like me who have risen to do our part for National Service. And I must say that my heart is filled with pride! Protecting our nation, protecting everyone who lives and works here whether it is Singaporeans or foreigners, is truly our most noble and sacred duty.

I am so glad Foreign Talents can settle down safely here, knowing that their precious lives are protected by loyal Singaporeans like myself and my sons! I am so proud of National Service, and of the enlightened PAP government (may the PAP progress!) which always acts in the best interests of our nation and always adopts a long term perspective to all issues.

Majulah Singapura!

Goh Bock Seng

Foreigners should enjoy same subsidies

Foreigners should enjoy the same subsidies as Singaporeans. Why should a person living and working in Singapore be made to pay more than a citizen of our Great Motherland? Why should PRs and work permit holders be treated differently from a Singaporean?

My stand is that all foreigners working in Singapore should enjoy the same privileges and benefits that Singaporeans enjoy. They should enjoy the same educational bursaries, pay the same taxes, and be given the same if not a higher level of consideration in terms of job applications.

If we are truly serious about opening the doors of our Great Motherland to the treasured expertise of foreigners, then I say treat them well, give them all the privileges accorded to any Singaporean, let them feel as welcome as possible!

Foreigners make our nation great. They bring in expertise and qualities of character often lacking in Singaporeans. They are a valuable resource in almost any corporation, business or organization. And when they finally do settle down permanently in Singapore, they make good parents and spouses.

I say give all foreigners the same benefits that all Singaporeans enjoy! May foreigners from all walks of life come to Singapore and make our Great Motherland their home! And may all Singaporeans look up to foreigners and learn from them with their own knees bent and their heads lowered!

Majulah PAP! Majulah Singapura!

Goh Bock Seng

Singaporeans MUST learn from foreigners!

All Singaporeans would do very well to learn from foreigners and emulate their ways! Foreigners bring a wealth of talent and expertise to Singapore. They take up jobs that Singapore are unwilling or unable to do. They fill up gaps in our workforce created by Singaporeans who on their own accord drop out.

Without foreigners, Singaporeans would be mere specks of dust in the wind!

We should give our fullest support to the PAP government (may the PAP progress!). Their Foreign Talent policy is by far one of their best policies. It has become all too obvious that without a constant influx of Foreign Talents, Singapore's population would decline inexorably and Singapore's economy would stagnate. Foreigners don't just impart knowledge to us. They also teach us culture, social graces and manners, which Singaporeans are visibly lacking in. Foreigners make Singapore not just a vibrant economy but also a vibrant home for all of us.

To the Singaporean men here: I say that we must serve National Service with pride, distinction and commitment, and be prepared to lay down our lives not just for our families, but also for all the foreigners living and working here. This is our Great Call of Duty, and National Service for us is not a burden, but a privilege.

Let us give our fullest support to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (may MM Lee and SM Goh be pleased with him!), and let us all rally together in the Great and Noble Cause of Nation Building! Majulah PAP! Majulah Singapura!

Forumers should ask less, listen more

It would be very helpful if forum participants asked less and listened more, especially with regard to current issues like GST and Temasek's losses.

No government is perfect. So what if Temasek lost a lot of money in Thailand? The legendary hedge fund manager George Soros also lost billions during his yester years when some of his trades went wrong. But his overall performance still make him a super star in his industry. The same can be said for Temasek, and GIC for that matter.

As for the GST issue, the government has explained very clearly that the offset packages for the poor would more than compensate for the GST increase. The net result is that the poor are better off, and the rich have to pay slightly more to help the poor. Isn't this what we all want? What are people here complaining about so much for?

The PAP government (may the PAP progress!) is forthright, transparent and perfectly candid. If forum participants would just sit down and listen rather than shoot their mouths off at everything that moves, they would easily be able to see that too.

Goh Bock Seng