Tuesday, October 31, 2006

O PAP! Enlighten these people here!

This is a post I made to the Sam’s Coffeeshop Forum.

O PAP! Enlighten these disillusioned people here!

I am sadden by the many disparaging remarks made against the enlightened PAP government, and especially Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew (peace and blessings be upon him!) and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (may MM Lee be pleased with him!).

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew (the blessings of our land be upon him!) and the Old Guard single-handed brought Singapore from 3rd World to 1st and create a nation of prosperity, racial and religious harmony, and progress! We owe our very lives to these courageous men who fought with their lives in times of crisis, and created an independent Singapore that we all can be proud of.

The PAP government (may the PAP progress!) has delivered on its promises all these years and brought economic prosperity and social progress to our nation. The good they have achieved for Singapore is something we can all share, and which we should all be eternally grateful for. Let us champion the Great Cause of Nation Building and unite behind the PAP, for it is the best government in the region, Asia and beyond!

Let us support all the PAP policies, for they are geared towards the long term good of the nation! Let us welcome all foreigners with open arms, for they create jobs in the long run, make our economy more competitive, and add vibrance and life to our nation! Let us hope many of them will choose to make Singapore their home, so we can all join together in this Great Cause!

Praise MM Lee, for his work will last for generations!

Love Him, for he is Great!

Fear Him, for he is resolute!

Learn from Him, for he is wise!

And last but not least ... WORSHIP Him, for he is God!

The peace and blessings of all the land be upon MM Lee, PM Lee, and the PAP! Amen!

Goh Bock Seng


On Being Anti-Establishment

My post on the Sammyboy Coffeshop forum: http://forums.delphiforums.com/sammyboymod/messages/?msg=122391.1

I have recently watched the famous video clip on YouTube of an RJC teacher lecturing a student, tearing up his answer script, and calling him a slimy old rat.


At one point during the scolding, she complains about the student presenting anti-establishment views, and strongly suggests that such fringe views are less than worthy.

Which exactly constitutes being anti-establishment?

In current day usage, being anti-establishment means generally disagreeing with our adminstration or our leaders, going against the grain and the norm, or expressing strong discontent with the rules, principles or policies laid down by the management.

Most forummers here I believe would consider themselves anti-establishment.

If there is a genuine greviance against how things are done, and there are sound reasons why the administration is pursuing the wrong policies or embracing the wrong philosophies, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being anti-establishment. In fact, it is only though rigorous debate and active campaigning that we get things to change for the better. Being anti-establishment is valid if based on concrete and sound reasons.

Unfortunately, many of our youth today (and indeed, many forummers here) are anti-establishment simply because they feel it is cool to disagree, that there is more dignity going against the grain and challenging authority rather than conforming to the norm. Many folk think it is more noble to reject authority and criticise everything that goes on around them. They think people who constantly give praise to what is being done right are weak-minded and silly. To them, counting one's blessings is the act of an apologist and is the anti-thesis of progress or change.

I vehemently disagree with this stance.

The youth of today are living in the most prosperous period of human history, and the opportunities for them to grow and gain valuable experiences are immense. Rather than fussing over every little thing that does wrong in their lives and blaming the government for every last nuance, they should indeed ask themselves who gave them the good life that they live today. They should ask themselves who fought with their very lives and brought our Great Motherland from 3rd World to 1st with almost superhuman grit and determination. They should ask themselves not what our country can do for them, but what they can do for our country.

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew (praise and blessings be upon him!) and the Old Guard created a nation of peace, prosperty, and racial and religious harmony. The youth of today should learn from where their Great Blessings come from, pull up their socks, and face the challenges of the world with a positive mental attitude.

Let us not wallow in petty arguments and narrow mindsets. Let us instead press on and rally together in the Great and Noble Cause of Nation Building! There is a Pot Of Gold out there, waiting to be grabbed by all who have the drive and the dare!

Praise be to the PAP, and our Great Leaders! Majulah PAP! Majulah Singapura!

Goh Bock Seng

Welcome to my Blog! -- In Search of Goh Bock Seng

A very warm welcome to my blog, In Search of Goh Bock Seng!

The purpose of my blog is to share my day-to-day thoughts on what's happening in the world, in particular, Singapore.

Happy reading!

Goh Bock Seng