Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Ungrateful Youth of today

While the youth of today clamour wantonly for freedom of expression and freedom of choice, they are blissfully unaware of the hard work and sacrifices undertaken by the older generation in order to achieve the prosperity and peace that they enjoy today.

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew (praise and blessings be upon him and his family!) and the Old Guard took upon themselves the monumental task of creating a nation from scratch, of taking Singapore from 3rd World to First. Over the past 40 glorious years, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. With their bare hands and sheer, almost incompehensible determination, they realized their goal of a united and independent nation --- Singapore, the land that we are today so very proud to call our Home and our Country!

They faced almost insurmountable odds in the beginning, but with persevence, diligence, and an almost superhuman wisdom, they crafted an independent and soverign Singapore where before the land was filled with communal riots, Communist elements striving to twist the politics of our land in their favour, and sheer poverty that gripped the masses. Today we are living in the land of prosperity and progress.

So let me say to the Youth of today: Be very grateful for what has been given to you, for the prosperity of our Great Motherland, Singapore, did not come easy. Singapore is offering You almost unlimited opportunities to expand your horizons, build a successful and rewarding career, and the chance of enjoying the Great Priviledge of being a citizen of a free, uncorrupt, independent and vibrant nation-state!

Embrace the Unlimited Opportunities before you, O Youth of Singapore, for Singapore is your Home and your Country, and serve our Great Nation with Pride and Distinction!

The PAP (may the PAP progress!) has guided Singapore with a firm and sure hand, making sure that the nation was always kept on a steady course towards the glorious future!

Let us praise our enlightened and independent government, for they are truly of the People, by the People, and for the People! Let us rejoice in the unbounded wisdom and intellect of MM Lee and drink from the ever-flowing fountain of his magnificence and stature. Let us close our ranks and join together in the Great Cause of Nation Building!

Praise be to the PAP, for they will guide and govern our Land to Greatness! Praise be to our government, for it is wise, courageous and resolute!

May the Great Prosperity and Blessings of Our Land be Upon the PAP, and the Good People of Singapore!

Goh Bock Seng

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